This demonstration explains how to invite and confirm a user.
Configuring Admin rights
This training explains how to setup user rights to users in the platform.
Create a workspace
This demonstration shows how to create a new workspace in the platform.
Recovering your password
How to recover password.
Switch between workspaces
Selection to update workspaces.
Create a demo workspace
HIn this demonstration you will learn how to create a new interactive trial workspace.
Look – Platform Setting
Create and modify seasons
Manage Seasons.
Create and modify brands
Learn how to create seasons, brands, categories, UOM and more
Creating categories
Manage Categories.
Create and modify colors
Learn how to create seasons, brands, categories, UOM and more.
Create and modify sizes
Work with sizes for models.
Creating variables
Add variables in models.
Create and modify units of measure
Unit of measures
Change object groups and rename apps
Learn how to customize your apps in LOOK Cloud Platform.
Reorganizing the launchpad and renaming Apps
Reorganizing the launchpad and renaming Apps
Change your layout
In this demonstration we show you how to change the layout of the launchpad.
Quick product creation and navigation
This video demonstration shows how to create a new product in the platform.
Style Creation using Adobe Illustration Plug In
In this session we will show you how to create a style from Adobe Illustrator.
Creating Moodboards
This session shows a simple process of creating and updating a moodboard.
Product Development
Product Size Specs
Learn how to add measurements to a product.
Product Images
In this session you will learn how to add and edit images in products
Cost Sheets
This video explains the use of cost sheets in products.
Product Tech packs
Learn how to create techpacks in Look Platform
Annotation paint tool
The annotation paint tool is embedded in the platform and allows users to edit pictures and add notations to products.
Collaboration: How to share a products
Look platform allows users to share products and information to internal and external collaborators.
Product Sampling
Learn how to create a sample request and share with suppliers and collaborators
Product Lifecycle
Project Creation
In this session you will learn how to create a project and activities for a product to track the lifecycle.
Creating Product Versions
Create product versions and assign to critical path activities.
Wake Up alerts
In this training you will learn how to access alerts in the launchpad.
Critical Path Tracking in Look
Learn how to access critical path activities and track status.
Raw Materials and components
Lab Dip process for fabrics.
In this session you will learn how to create and manage lab dips in Look.
Create a new raw material
Learn how to create a Raw Material with different variations in color or sizes.
Vendor Management
Supplier costing and Techpack Management
In this session you can learn how to share information with your supplier in the cloud platform
Invite Suppliers
ERP Integration
Creating product variants in Look Cloud Fashion Platform.
In this session, understand the use of product and raw material variants to use in the platform and how they impact when integrating with the ERP solution.
Creating Styles, Items and Bill of Materials in SAP® Business ByDesign.
Learn how Look Cloud platform integrates with SAP® Business ByDesign.
Creating Style, items and Bill of materials in SAP® Business One.
Learn how Look Cloud platform integrates with SAP® Business One.
Creating Purchase Order in SAP® Business One
In this demonstration you will learn how to create and track Purchase orders in the platform from SAP Business One.
Creating Sales Orders in SAP® Business One.
In this demonstration you will learn how to create and track Sales Orders in the platform from SAP Business One.
Creating Purchase Order in SAP® Business One
In this demonstration you will learn how to create and track Purchase orders in the platform from SAP Business One.
Creating Purchase Orders in SAP® Business ByDesign.
n this session you will learn how to create and track fashion ERP Purchase Orders in the platform.
Creating Sales Orders in SAP® Business ByDesign.
In this session you will learn how to create and track fashion ERP Sales orders in the platform.